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Metabolic Surgery

The metabolic surgery refers to the surgical treatment of Type II Diabetes Mellitus, representing a new treatment option for this disease that has been only considered a medical treatment, so far.

Also, this procedure may be performed in patients whose BMI is less than 35kg/m2, since its main goal is to treat diabetes not obesity. This type of surgery has reported remission of Diabetes in 85% of cases and 15% of improvement. It is the treatment of choice for those patients that are unable to comply with the treatment or for those who are difficult to control.

How does weight loss work?

In simple and restrictive surgeries, by reducing the amount of food intake, because the stomach is smaller and fills up right away. By eating less, weight is lost. In surgeries like the gastrojejunal bypass, there is another malabsorption component, since a portion of the small intestine is bypassed.  In this way, all the nutrients load of the food intake is not “used”.

Surgical procedures aimed at reducing and controlling weight are classified as follows:

Restrictive procedures (they limit the amount of food intake).

Malabsorption procedures (they limit the fat absorbed by the intestine).

Mixed procedures.

When is this surgery indicated?

Surgery is indicated when other treatments, be them medical or nutritional, have failed or have not achieved the expected result. The surgery candidates must fulfill the following criteria:

 BMI greater than 40.

• BMI greater than 35 with comorbidities

• Failure of medical treatment.

With no psychiatric contraindications.

• Less than 65 years of age.

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