Dr. Francisco Isai García Juárez
Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine • Gastroenterology
Education and Research
• (Jul 2019-Jul 2020) Assistant Professor: Clinical Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract
• (Feb-Jun 2018) Assistant Professor: Clinical Pathology of the Respiratory Apparatus, Hospital Juarez de México.
• Review Article: Delgado CH, Garcia JF, et al, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and the internist work, Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2018; 85(2): 86-93.
Diplomas and Recognition Diplomas
• (07/02-04/2018) Diploma: 1st National Congress “Pearls in Dermatology", Hospital Juárez de México.
• (06/27/2018) Diploma: Stroke Prevention, Mexican Internal Medicine College, CDMX, monthly session.
• (06/20-23/ 2018) Diploma: 72th National Congress of the Mexican College of Clinic Immunology and Allergy, WTC, CDMX.
• (06/13-16/ 2018) Diploma: 63rd International Course of Internal Medicine, WTC Boca del Rio, Veracruz.
• (06/13-16/2018) Diploma for the Presentation of the Diagnostic remaining: Multidrug - resistant MAC Complex Infection as an unknown origin cause in an HIV - carrier patient. 63th International Course on Internal Medicine, Boca del Rio, Veracruz.
• (05/7-9/ 2018) Diploma: 4th Critical Obstetrics Course in Emergencies and Current Topics, Hospital Juárez de México.
• (4/25/2018) Diploma: Migraine, current situation and what is next in the short run, Mexican College of Medicine, monthly session CDMX.
• (03/25/2018) Certification: Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Course (ACLS), UNAM/ CECAM, Certification Number b94e42385755.
• (3/24/2018) Certification: BLS For Healthcare Providers Course, UNAM/CECAM, Certification Number 9d43d30b626e.
• (1/31/2018) Diplomas: Immunology - Oncology An evolutionary approach in cancer therapy, Mexican Internal Medicine College, CDMX, monthly session.
• (12/8/2017) Diploma: 10th Refresher Course on Internal Medicine: “Select Topics on Infectiology”, Hospital Juárez de México.
• (11/16/2017) Recognition: Academic Collaboration in workshop “Anticoagulation and Cancer", 10th Residents Sessions of the National Health Institutes and High-Specialty Hospitals, INCAN
• (11/8/2017) Diploma: Monthly Academic Session “Anemias", Mexican Hematology Association (AMEH), WTC, CDMX.
• (11/04/2017) Diploma: Attendee "40th National Internal Medicine Congress", Polyform León, Guanajuato.
• (10/25/2017) Diploma: "Efficacy and Safety in current treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Mexican Internal Medicine College, monthly session, CDMX.
• (7/26/2017) Diploma: "Updates in Epilepsies" Mexican Internal Medicine College, monthly session, CDMX.
• (07/5-7/ 2017) Professor Diploma: “Metabolic Syndrome in Breast Cancer", 7th Refresher Course in Internal Medicine, Hospital Juárez de México.
• (5/30/2017) Diploma: "Idiopathic Lung Fibrosis”, Mexican Internal Medicine College, monthly session, CDMX.
• (11/16-19/2016) Diploma: "39th National Internal Medicine Congress, Querétaro, México.
• (10/27) Professor Diploma: "Pleural Effusion Approach ", Hospital Juárez de México, Medicine Division
• (05/27-28/2016) Diploma: "8th Workshop-Course on Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism" Hospital Juárez de México, CDMX.
• (04/04/2016) Diploma: "Intensive Course on Basic Airway in Adults", Simulation-assisted Learning Center Postgrad (CESIP), UNAM, CDMX.
• (9/24/2014) Diploma: "Parkinson, Abnormal Movements, Approach Strategy", Mexican Internal Medicine College, monthly session, Hospital Angeles Pedregal.
• (06/18/2014) Diploma: Diabetes Mellitus and Cognitive Auditory Impairment, Doña María Raña de Vazquez, Hospital Angeles Pedregal.
• (02/2012) Diploma "14th World Congress on Advances in Internal Medicine in Civil Hospital Medicine 2012: Civil Hospital, Gdl, Jal.
• (01-08/2012) Course "Medical Updates ", Gdl. Jal.
• (06/2009) Workshop “Updates in the Management of Obstetric Emergencies and Reduction of Maternal Mortality” IPAS- México.
• (09/2008) Training "Prostate Examination, basic CPR, neonatal CPR": CECAM (UNAM)-UABJO.
• (07/2008) Postgraduate Course "Evidence-based Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy” Congress Unit Tecnológico de Monterrey campus, CMDX.
• (03/2008) Annual Course "Advances in Epilepsy": School of Medicine and Surgery (UABJO).
• (05/2007) "Second World Congress of the 4 branches of Medicine and Woman Health and Disease Course” Oaxaca, Oax.
Academic Degrees
• Postgraduate in Gastroenterology, Regional Hospital Licenciado López Mateos.
• (2015 - 2019) - Postgraduate in Internal Medicine at Hospital Juárez de México, México City.
• (2004 - 2009) - Medical Degree, Autonomous University Benito Juárez de Oaxaca (UABJO); School of Medicine and Surgery.